Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mobile OS u should know

A mobile operating system(mobile OS) , It is mobile software platform like in PC , The importance of mobile devices has increased  dramatically and thus makes competition amongst software giants such as Google, Microsoft, and Apple .

This is the Market covered by Mobile OS
Mobile Os that can be found on smartphones, mobile OS-powered tablet computers, and other mobile devices include  
  •  Google's Android, 
  •  Apple's iOS, 
  •  RIM's BlackBerry OS, 
  •  Microsoft's Windows Phone, 
  •  Linux, 
  •  HP's webOS, 
  • Samsung's Bada, and
  • Nokia's MeeGo among many others. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Watch Live Cricket

Now see Live streaming Match on Itechtall , Scroll down to the bottom of the page

Monday, September 5, 2011

Change CHKDSK countdown time

When you schedule CHKDSK to run at the next boot, the system will
prompt you to press a key to cancel the operation while CHKDSK is
One option for CHKDSK is the use of the Command-line/R parameter, which allows the program to repair damage it finds on the hard drive.
The system will display a countdown during that cancel
 period. The default value is 10 seconds.

How to Search For Crack In GOOGLE ?

Get cracked versions of softwares from google with just a keyword
  • in search bar type "crack:softwarename"
  • and search 
  • Select the link u want to